Sarah Knows Eyes
The big day is fast approaching, and if the stress of the festive season is starting to take its toll on your peepers, women or man, then try this little Godsend – it’s LUSH!
After yesterday’s frivolity, I thought I’d better be a little more sensible with today’s choice. “Dry Eye” is a huge problem in today’s air conditioned, VDU screen era, and this is an absolute game changer – it really works!
Okay, so I may have gone a little crazy with this one, I know it’s not cheap, but I LOVE this!! Keep in mind that it’s actually two products in one – a bookend AND eyeglass holder! AND it comes in different colours!! SOLD!!! (I actually accidentally clicked “Add to Cart” as I wrote this – whoopsie!)
Another one that possibly falls in to the “stocking filler” category? Although it may be a little overdone, I still love all of the “Keep Calm” stuff and this is no exception…
I wish they did a poster of this!
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